Thursday, November 22, 2007



Note:The actual content has been adapted from a blog written by another user.

$$#That these methods can be used on most networks, but I am focusing mostly on Colleges/schools, so the article makes several assumptions because of this. For example, most public colleges have windows based networks, so the tactics discussed in this article will be more useful if the target network is running a windows OS. Also this a N00b (Dummy) article.

If you are a pro, you might as well pass this post.

Warning: You can get into a lot of trouble by messing around on your college computers. In no way do I suggest you use the information below to actually try and hack into your college. This article is just to demonstrate how it would be done and what would be possible if you did manage to accomplish the task.

The main goal with any of the methods listed below is to obtain access to an account with sufficient network privilages, and it’s all uphill from there. To be clear, there is a very big difference between a network administrator, and a local administrator. A local administrator is only an administrator on one computer, and can not access other computers over the network. This is virtually useless unless you just want to mess with files on that paticular hard drive. On the other hand, a network administrator has access to all the other computers linked to the network, among other things.

Part 1 - Access Blocked Sites

There are a few tricks that may help you get past some of the college security features & restrictions along the way.

Method 1 - Proxy ByPass
First off, one of the most annoying things that colleges tend to do is use an internet filter that blocks sites it shouldnt. The first way i know to get around that is to use a proxy, which is generally pretty effective.

Those are a few easily accessible web proxies. If they are blocked, you can try doing a google search for “cgi proxy” or “php proxy” to find one that works, or, alternatively you can also use googles “cache” feature to get into sites which are normally blocked, however this does limit your interaction with them.

Method 2 - Ping!
I have also read that if you use the command prompt to ping a site using the “ping” command to get its IP, that putting ‘http://”websitesip”‘ in the address bar will get around the filter.

To Ping A Site:
Run command prompt and type ping

Appendix - Enabling Command Prompt
Speaking of the command prompt, what happens if your college has disabled the command prompt? First off, make sure its disabled. Go to Start>Run then type cmd, if that’s disabled try the same thing except type command. If for some reason run is disabled, open the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Once it’s open click on “File>New task(run)”. If your colleges gone as far as to disable the task manager, there are programs which mimic the task manager that you can download.

Anyhow, so lets say none of the above methods worked. Don’t fret, we can just make a new command prompt. Open up notepad and type in this:

@echo off
@echo on

Part 2 - Access Blocked Sites Via 'YourFreedom'

Note: Method 1 & 2 maynot work if your sites are blocked by a firewall

Method 3 - For Advanced Users Only
YourFreedom a real useful software for those of you who are stuck behind a firewall and have to access the internet via proxy and more often than not, a firewall.

Your Freedom uses proxy tunnelling and lets some blocked software (eg. P2P, Torrents, etc) access the net via SOCKS protocol. You need to use the SOCKS 5 protocol with proxy address as and port 1080. I did not get good results when trying with the web proxy port 8080.

You need to have an account to use the software, which you can get from the main website. It is shareware and so logs out once in two hours but reconnects immediately if the autologin option is selected. And it does not have as many streams open, download speeds are a little slower and fewer programs can use it.

Make sure that you configure it properly. You can allow YourFreedom to look for nearest Freedom servers. But if that takes too long or doesn't work, you can use with port 443, which works fine for those who have tried it. In the configure menu, tick all boxes except the Avoid using DNS box.

It works pretty well but the problem will be that due to tunnelling, the connection speed reduces a lot. That doesnt matter too much if it is used in an IM client like Yahoo! but it can be irritating while downloading large files using Torrents. But if you have the patience, it might be the only way for you to download via P2P.

Your Freedom works well with BitComet, GoogleTalk and Gaim. With Limewire, results vary and it doesn't work properly with Yahoo Messenger. But Gaim is an excellent substitute for it. Your Freedom is definitely one of the most useful softwares when you're behind a proxy firewall.

Download YourFreedom:
Download Giam (Alternate option for Yahoo! Messenger):

*End Of Part 1*


Method One: Command prompt
Most of the articles I’ve read that concern this topic involve using the command prompt and batch files to add/delete/change the privilages of the users on a computer.

In the command prompt you can use this command to create users on a computer:

net user usernamehere passwordhere /ADD

This command can be used to change the privilages of a specific Buser.

net localgroup administrators usernamehere /ADD

Wow, thats pretty neat isn’t it, you’ll be an admin at your college in a matter of seconds.

Too bad it wont work on any network with an admin who knows how to create acocunts with differnt privilages. Unless you already have access to a privilaged account, or your college is REALLY retarded with computers, this method is not for you.

About the only useful thing you can do with this method on a restricted account is use this command to message other users.

net send domainhere userhere(* for all users) “message here”

And that still isn’t very useful, although it might be a good way to pull a prank on a computer illiterate friend.


This method is the one i have been most successful with, and while a network administrator who really has his act together may have a completely full proof network, most don’t.

This tactic consists of browsing the shared files of all the computers on a network. The College that I’ve attended have neglected to put restrictions on the majority of their shared folders, and you can generally find some very interesting files using this method.

First of all, you need to find the list of all the computers on the network. Generally spekaing, this is pretty easy, however if the computers are really secure it might be a bit more difficult.

On most networks, it will be as easy as following this path:

My Network Places > Entire Network > Microsoft Windows Network

This should bring you to a folder that has a list of differnt work groups, at least one of which should contain the majority of the colleges computers. Getting to the shared folder on a computer should be as simple as clicking on the computer, or typing computername in the address bar.

If for some reason your college has these functions disabled, go to the command prompt and type “ipconfig/all” This should display your IP as well as some other information, such as the gateway IP. Type iphere in the address bar and it will access the computers shared folder. play with the last number in the address by changing its value to get into other computers shared folders. The gateway IP has some interesting things on it sometimes as well. in some cases, the gateway IP will be the address of the colleges router, in which case typing http://gatewayiphere may allow you to access and change the routers settings.

Most colleges name their computers apropriately, either by room number, department, section of building, or something to that extent. Most of the time there will also be a few computers that dont follow the general pattern of names. These computers generally hold some importance, and are often major servers.


If the above methods fail, you can try to install a keylogger on a machine at the college to obtain and privilaged login. However, any college running a decent fire wall or virus scanner will be able to render your keylogger useless.

However, if you have the money to blow, you can invest in a hardware keylogger, which you can physicaly attatch to the computer to steal peoples passwords.


Method 4 : Remote Hacking
So, lets be honest, the previous methods barely qualify as hacking, but this method involves hacking into their servers from your own computer.

If your concerned about getting in trouble, I would definately not reccomend this method, as it’s not exactly discreet.

Go to your colleges website, if you dont know it, you should be able to find it by googling your colleges name. Now then, every college is going to have an E-mail system of some sort. Most of the time, every teacher and person of importance will have an E-mail account with the college. You’ll have to figure out how your college formats its employee’s E-mail log-ons. For example, if a teacher was named Shruti Sinha, her E-mail would be, and all the other teachers would have an E-mail address that followed that rule.

Now then, use a port scanner such as nmap to scan your colleges website for a port using POP3, or some other type of mail service. At this point its just a matter of getting ahold of a brute forcing program such as Brutus, and assulting the privilaged users E-mail account. Chances are his/her E-mail password will work on his/her’s computer log-on as well.



Part 3 - Get Loaded

Ok, hopefuly one of the above methods worked, now the question is, wat can we do with our privilaged log-on. Hopefully your log-on is a network administrator, if not u shud continue trying to get ahold of one.

First off, we can browse all the computers on the network, except it isn’t lik b4 wher we can just view the shared folders, now we can check out their C drive, read their personal documents, or delete them if we want.

To get to the C drive of a computer on your network, you enter computernamec$ in the address bar. If you have a privilaged log-on and that dosnt work, try replacing c$ with admin$, this will put you in the windows folder.

So now you most likely have access to all your teachers tests, all the confidential information the counsellers keep, and all the discipline records and locker information the principals keep. You’ve got alot of power in your hands at this point, for example, you could plant porn on a teachers computer and get them fired. If you know the main server the college uses, you might be able to get in and edit the colleges website, or maybe get rid of that pesky internet filter. Send E-mails to teachers under the principals name. Your in complete control.

The best part is that colleges utilize more and more technology every year, most colleges these days have online grade books. If you use your privilaged login to get into that, you can probably change grades, attendance, seating charts, and various other things. Just use your imagination.

Part 4 - Control + Shift + ESCAPE

Well, all those who are wondering about "what ctrl + shift + esc" is, here are simple three words to explain them: Not Getting Caught

If you used method 4 to obtain passwords, your on your own, as brute forcing is a very obvious method, and your liable to get caught if they find out. IP addresses are easily traced.

Now then, that aside, there are a few important things you should do, or rather, not do, to avoid getting caught.

First off, its not a good idea to tell alot of people about your abilities. I know it’s in human nature to boast, but the more people who know, the easier it is to get caught. If you go around telling everyone you can change grades and such, before you know it random people will be asking you for favors.

Secondly, its important to remember that alot of things on the computer are traceable. For example, every time you open a file on a computer, it can log the account that did it, and at what time, and possibly from what computer. If you pull a dramatic stunt that attracts attention to your colleges lack of secuirty, you might get found out.

Lastly, if your doing mallicious things on the colleges computer, don’t be stupid, make sure a teacher isn’t watching.

Appendix 2:
How do i open command prompt? My admin has disabled it.
Well, the answer is simple, follow these five steps and your done.

1) copy cmd.exe out of system32
2) rename as logon.scr
3) paste it back in system32 and replace current one
4) log off and wait for the screensaver. it will be a command prompt. Use it the way you like!

Hope the guide let u crack something in the network. Though if your Advanced enough, you can pick up some points in this article and make use of it to hack PCs over internet.

Good Bye & Good Luck

End Of Tutorial